Woman in front of trees with long dark hair

29 Ways to Grow Your Hair Faster: Best Natural Hair Growth Remedies 

If you’ve clicked on this article, you probably fall into one of the two categories:

a) You just got a bad haircut (or maybe you attempted a DIY haircut) and are desperately trying to grow your hair back as fast as possible.

b) You’re ready to upgrade your look to the long, luscious locks of your dreams.

Well, the good news is, you’re in the right place. As someone who constantly tries the aforementioned DIY haircuts and miserably fails, I know a thing (or 29) about growing hair faster. 

What Are the Best Ways to Grow Your Hair Faster?

Let’s be honest – hair growth isn’t something that happens overnight. 

If you want dreamy, thick, healthy, long, beautiful hair, it takes a holistic approach. 

1. Nourishing yourself from within, 2. protecting and maintaining your hair, and 3. external remedies are key to growing your hair faster.

Part 1: Nourishment from Within

veggies lined up at the market

1) Eating fresh fruits and veggies

This one may sound obvious but don’t expect to get beautiful hair if you’re eating junk. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of vitamins and minerals that are absolutely necessary for healthy hair growth

2) Drinking Plenty of Water

Hydration is key for healthy hair and scalp. You’d be surprised how dehydrated most people are. Make sure you’re drinking enough water to keep your hair moisturized from the inside out. Dehydration can affect hair growth, leading to dry, brittle hair that is more prone to breakage

Think about dried vs cooked spaghetti noodles. Which ones snap more easily? Exactly.

3) Kombu and Other Seaweeds

In ancient Japan, a woman’s beauty was often judged by the length and luster of her hair. What was their secret? Kombu.

Seaweed such as kombu nourishes their hair and promotes growth. Kombu is rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K as well as minerals like iron and zinc that are essential for hair growth. Add it to your diet (I love adding kombu to soups) for best results.

4) MSM

MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is a natural sulfur compound found in many fruits and vegetables. It has been known to promote hair growth by increasing the production of keratin, the protein that makes up our hair. Taking an MSM supplement daily can improve hair growth and strength. It’s also fantastic for the skin.

5) Liquid Silica

Silica is one of the foundational minerals our bodies need most, and it’s essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails. It helps to strengthen hair strands from the inside out and can even prevent hair breakage. Foods high in silica include cucumbers, melons, and leafy greens. Taking liquid silica is a surefire way to make sure you’re getting enough of this vital mineral daily.

6) Herbal supplements and teas

  • Herbs such as rosemary, nettle, lemon balm, and horsetail are known for their hair-strengthening and growth-promoting properties. You can take them as tinctures, or supplements, or drink them as teas to reap the benefits. Not only are these herbs some of the best sources of silica, but they also have anti-inflammatory effects that can improve scalp health and reduce dandruff.
  • Ashwagandha is a powerful herb that supports the adrenals, an organ that plays a key role in hair health. By reducing stress and boosting the immune system, ashwagandha can transform hair health and help prevent hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances and other stressors. Take it in tincture or capsule form for optimal results.
  • Milk thistle can revitalize hair by supporting the liver. The liver is responsible for detoxifying and filtering toxins, which can affect hair health if not functioning properly. Milk thistle helps to cleanse and nourish the liver, improving its ability to support healthy hair growth.
  • Spirulina and barley grass juice powder can make your hair grow faster by providing essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are often lacking in our modern diets. These superfoods are rich in iron, a mineral essential for healthy hair growth. They can also help to balance hormones and reduce inflammation, which can promote healthy hair growth.

7) Get Enough Sleep and Reduce Stress

Believe it or not, the amount of sleep you get and your stress levels can impact the health of your hair. Lack of sleep and high-stress levels can lead to hair loss, thinning, and breakage. Make sure to prioritize self-care and get enough rest to keep both your body and hair healthy.

8) Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise not only benefits your overall health, but it can also improve hair health and growth. Physical activity increases blood flow to the scalp, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles. It also helps to reduce stress and balance hormones, which can contribute to healthier hair.

Part 2: Maintenance and Prevention

woman flipping her hair

9) Protective Styles

Protect styles are hairstyles that can protect the hair shaft from damage caused by styling, weather, and other external factors. These can include braids, twists, buns, and updos. When done correctly (and not too tightly), these styles can help keep your hair healthy while it grows. 

Just be sure to give your hair a break in between wearing these styles to avoid tension on the scalp.

10) Wash Your Hair Less

While it may be tempting to wash your hair every day, this can actually do more harm than good. Overwashing can strip the hair of its natural oils and cause dryness, which can lead to breakage and damage.

Try to limit washing your hair to 2-3 times a week, or even less if you have curly hair. Your hair may look greasy at first – that’s because your scalp is used to producing excess oils due to frequent washing. However, it will adjust and produce less oil over time. 

11) Stop Chemical Treatments

Chemical treatments such as relaxers, perms, and bleach can cause significant damage to the hair and prevent it from growing. These treatments break down the protein bonds in the hair, leading to weak and brittle strands that are prone to breakage. 

12) Say No to Silicones

Did you know that silicone-based hair products can actually choke the hair shaft and prevent moisture from penetrating your strands? It’s like saran wrap but on each hair strand. 

While silicones may provide a temporary smooth and shiny appearance, silicones can build up on the hair and scalp, leading to brittle hair that’s prone to potential breakage and damage.

Instead, opt for silicone-free products or ones that contain natural ingredients such as argan oil or coconut oil to nourish and protect your hair. 

13) Never Brush Wet Hair

Wet hair is extremely delicate and prone to breakage. You just don’t see it because wet hair doesn’t make an obvious “snap!” sound when it breaks.

Avoid brushing or combing your hair when it’s wet (even if you’re in the shower and using lots of conditioner – I’m looking at you, curly girl method!), as this can cause lots of breakage and lead to split ends. 

Instead, wait until your hair is dry and use your fingers or detangling brush to gently work through any knots or tangles.

14) Use Natural & Gentle Hair Products

Conventional shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care products can contain irritating and harsh chemicals such as sulfates, parabens, and synthetic fragrances that can strip the hair of its natural oils and cause irritation to the scalp. 

Look for products with ingredients like essential oils, plant extracts, and nourishing oils to help strengthen and protect your hair. And watch out for “greenwashing” – companies love marketing their products as natural and organic, even if they contain harmful ingredients. 

Sites like EWG’s Skin Deep Database and apps like Think Dirty can help you decipher ingredient labels and find the safest options for your hair care routine.

15) Stop Using Heat on Your Hair

Excessive heat styling using tools like blow dryers, flat irons, and curling wands can cause major damage to your hair. The high temperatures can weaken the hair shaft and lead to breakage, split ends, and overall dull and unhealthy-looking locks.

Opt for air-drying your hair whenever possible and try out heatless styling methods such as braiding or foam rollers. I love braiding my hair at night for beautiful, effortless waves in the morning.

16) Use a Boar Bristle Brush

When brushing dry hair, my holy-grail tool is a boar bristle brush. This type of brush is gentle on the hair and scalp and helps distribute natural oils throughout your strands – which is the best oil your hair strands can get!  

A boar bristle brush can also stimulate blood flow to the scalp for healthier hair growth. 

17) Use a Silk Pillowcase

While you sleep, your hair is rubbing against your pillowcase for several hours. Cotton pillowcases can create friction and breakage, especially if you have textured or curly hair. 

Switching to a silk pillowcase can reduce friction and help keep your hair smooth and tangle-free. Plus, it’s gentler on the skin, helping prevent wrinkles and creases while you sleep.

See: An Expert Guide: How To Safely Wash and Dry Your Silk Pillowcase

18) Rinse with cold water

After washing and conditioning your hair, finish off your shower with a cool water rinse. Hot water and steam opens up the hair’s cuticles, leaving it vulnerable to damage and breakage. Cold water helps seal the cuticles, locks in moisture, and helps strengthen the hair again.

19) Use a Shower Filter Head

Tap water contains minerals and additives that can be harsh on your hair. Invest in a shower filter head to remove impurities, such as chlorine, from your water. This can help prevent dryness and damage to your locks.

20) Trim Your Split Ends

It may seem counterintuitive, but if your hair is prone to breakage and split ends,  regular trims can actually help it grow longer and healthier. 

Trimming off split ends prevents them from traveling up the hair shaft and causing further damage. Aim for a trim every 6-8 weeks to keep your hair looking healthy and promote growth. 

If you don’t want to trim all of your hair, you can also opt for “hair dusting”, which involves snipping off just the damaged ends.

Part 3: External Remedies

flowers and herbs can be great for hair growth

21) Scalp Massages

A scalp massage (done by yourself or by a partner) can increase blood flow and stimulate hair growth. Use your fingertips to massage your scalp in circular motions for a few minutes each day. Using a scalp massager or a shampoo brush can also provide similar benefits.

22) Essential Oils for Growth

Some essential oils like rosemary, peppermint, tea tree, and lavender have been shown to promote hair growth. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba and massage into your scalp, during your daily scalp massage.

23) Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Apple cider vinegar is known for its natural cleansing properties and can be an effective way to remove build-up from the scalp. Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water, then pour over your hair after shampooing and conditioning. Rinse thoroughly and follow with a cold-water rinse to seal the cuticles for extra shine.

Bonus tip: infuse your ACV with essential oils and herbs like fenugreek or rosemary for an added boost.

24) Hair Steaming

Hair steaming is a deep conditioning treatment that can help increase softness and stimulate growth. It encourages blood flow and can help remove product build-up, as well as calm the scalp from irritations and dryness. 

A popular practice in afro hair salons, you can also mimic this treatment at home. Simply apply a silicone-free, deep conditioner or oils onto your hair and cover it with a shower cap. Then, wrap a hot towel around your head for about 15-20 minutes. This will help the product penetrate deeper into the hair shaft and provide nourishment to your locks. 

25) Indian Hair Oiling

Indian hair oiling is a centuries-old tradition that has been used to nourish and maintain healthy hair. 

You can use a variety of oils such as coconut, argan, jojoba, or olive oil – just make sure it’s 100% pure and organic.

Apply the oil onto your scalp and massage it in using circular motions. This will help stimulate blood flow and nourish your hair follicles.

Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes, or even overnight, before washing it out with a gentle shampoo. 

26) Castor Oil Treatment

In Ayurvedic medicine, castor oil is known as a powerful hair growth stimulant. It contains high levels of fatty acids and vitamin E, which can help nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth.

To use castor oil for hair care, mix it with a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil and massage it onto your scalp. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes before washing it out. Castor oil is known to be very thick and heavy, so it may take two or three washes to fully remove it. If you have “natural hair” (curly or frizzy) Jamaican black castor oil is worth a try, as it is known to be even thicker, helping to prevent breakage.

27) Try a Scalp Detox

Just like our bodies need to cleanse from time to time, so does our scalp. A scalp detox can help remove product buildup, excess oil, and dead skin cells that may be clogging hair follicles and hindering healthy hair growth. Using clays such as bentonite or rhassoul clay mixed with apple cider vinegar and a few drops of essential oil can help deeply cleanse the scalp and promote circulation. Apply the mixture to your scalp, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

28) Try Ayurvedic Herbs for Hair Health

Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, has been using herbs to promote hair health for centuries. Some of the most commonly used herbs for hair care include amla, shikakai, brahmi, bhringraj, and neem

These herbs can be used in various forms such as oil infusions or powders mixed into homemade hair masks or as shampoo replacements (especially if you’re practicing no-poo!). They are known to nourish the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, and promote healthy hair growth.

29) Rice Water

Rice water has been used for centuries in Asian cultures as a natural hair treatment. Simply soak uncooked organic rice in water for at least 30 minutes, then strain and use the liquid to rinse your hair after shampooing and conditioning. The nutrients in the rice water can help strengthen and promote hair growth.

The Hair Growth Cycle: Why It’s Important for Understanding Hair Growth

A chart showing the hair growth cycle, important to learn how to grow your hair faster

The hair growth cycle is the natural process that your hair goes through as it grows, rests, and sheds. There are three main phases in this cycle: anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting). Each hair follicle in your scalp goes through these phases at different times, resulting in a constant cycle of new hair growth.

1) The Anagen Phase

This is the active growth stage, where hair can grow up to half an inch per month. This phase typically lasts 2-7 years and about 85% of your hair is in this stage at any given time.

2) The Catagen Phase

This is a transitional stage that lasts around 10 days. During this time, the hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the blood supply, causing the hair to stop growing.

3) The Telogen Phase

This is the resting stage where hair follicles are dormant and eventually shed. About 10-15% of your hair is in this stage at any given time and can last for 3-4 months before new hair starts growing again.

Understanding the hair growth cycle is important because it explains why some people may experience hair loss or have trouble growing their hair past a certain length. It also highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy scalp and promoting strong hair follicles to support continuous growth. 

Certain factors such as age, genetics, and overall health can also impact the duration of each phase in the cycle.


There’s no secret potion or serum for growing your hair faster. For lasting, real results, the hair growth process requires a holistic approach that addresses both internal and external nourishment and careful maintenance.

Use your bad haircut or your dream of having beautiful long hair as an opportunity to lavish love on yourself and your hair. Incorporating these tips and tricks into your routine will give you a long-lasting, positive impact on not only your hair but your health as well. Give yourself some patience and care, and watch as your hair transforms into the shiny, healthy tresses you’ve always wanted!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I speed up hair growth?

While there is no magical solution for hair growth, there are some steps you can take to promote healthy and faster-growing hair. These include maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, reducing stress levels, regularly exercising, using natural oils and treatments on the scalp and hair, and avoiding harsh chemicals and heat styling tools.

How long does hair grow in 2 weeks?

On average, hair grows about half an inch per month. So in two weeks, it is expected to grow a quarter of an inch. However, this can vary depending on individual factors such as genetics and overall health.

What foods help hair growth?

Fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in silica and vitamins A, C, and E are essential for healthy hair growth. Figs (fresh or dried), berries, cherries, leafy greens, and melons are all known to contain vitamins and minerals that promote hair growth. 

How long does it take to grow hair 12 inches?

The time it takes to grow hair 12 inches depends on individual factors such as genetics and overall health. On average, hair grows about half an inch per month, so it can take around two years for hair to grow 12 inches. 

How can I grow my hair faster naturally?

Some tips for promoting natural hair growth include maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, reducing stress levels, regularly exercising, using natural oils and treatments on the scalp and hair, scalp massage, and avoiding harsh chemicals and heat styling tools. 

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